
Friday, May 16, 2014

Garlic and Asparagus Harvest

Hi All,

This is our second Kitchen Garden update.

Currently at the Garden-  This past Saturday, from about 10 am to 1 pm, a few us got together to continue with the general clean up of the garden.  Mark Pennington helped create a new bed using the recycled labyrinth borders given to us by Linda Herring.  We were also able to border off our herb garden area using these borders.  John Gunther-Mohr worked at turning over the soil in our raised beds plus he brought over compost that was added to our new bed.  We also did a good amount of weeding, raking, plus we watered our seedling trays.  I'm happy to report that we have some asparagus and garlic ready to be harvested as it has been growing all winter and should be ready now.

Next Steps at the Garden-  We will need to continue with the weeding, composting, and the watering of our seedling trays.  We also need to organize a watering and composting schedule.  Once the vegetables are planted they will need to be watered at least 3 times a week plus we need to bring out the compost in the Church Kitchen out to the garden about 3 times a week.

Please consider coming out to the garden this coming Saturday, May 10, between 10 am and 12 noon. We'll need some help with all the mentioned task plus you can help us plan out our garden as to what are some of the preferred vegetables and where in the garden we can grow them.   As I mentioned in the past a percentage of the harvest will go to gardeners and the rest will go to the food pantry.

Let me know if you can stop by the garden this weekend.

A compost invitation!

Hi All,

This is our third Kitchen Garden update.

Currently at the Garden - This past Saturday, between 10 am and 12:30 pm, a group of us got together to continue with the kitchen gardening project. Els Van Den Bosch was there early and she helped with the weeding and watering of our seedlings. We also planted some new herbs and vegetables including, parsley, rosemary, onions, kale, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and lettuce. Mark Pennington and Solange Viggiano also helped in the planting and weeding plus a potential new member to the garden stopped by (referred to us by the Cabrini Immigration Center) with her two daughters as they all helped with the planting.

Next Steps at the Garden-  We will need to continue with the weeding, composting, and watering.  Today, Monday, I was able to hook up our hose and water all the herbs and vegetables but this will need to be done at least twice more this week.  I will try to water again this Wednesday but let us know if you can stop by and water during the week.  Also if you have any compost you can drop if off at our wood compost bins next to the entrance of the garden.  It is best if you drop it in the bin on the far left since this has the newer compost and not the middle.

On a related note Roots and Wings made its presence known at the Sustainable Dobbs event this past Saturday.  Lenore Person, MJ Wilson, Mark Pennington and yours truly shared our green ideas with people from our community.  We saw a few people from South church there and made some new connections with people from the Masters School, Children's Village, Mercy College and the Garden Club of Dobbs Ferry.  Many ideas and information were exchanged among these was the idea of having a potluck lunch (or dinner) using the harvest of all of the gardens some time towards the end of June.  We will keep you informed in case you would like to join us. 

Please come join us this coming Saturday, May 17, between 10 and noon as we will be planting new vegetables.  Let me know if you can make it so we can plan our work accordingly. Keep in mind that part of the harvest will go to the food pantry and part to the gardeners. 


Marc and Solange